Large Format Printing
(Banners, Posters, etc.)
Offset Printing
(Business Cards, Brochures, etc.)
Vehicle Graphics
If you have any questions please call us. We’d love to talk to you and help you create your file correctly.
(Banners, Posters, etc.)
- Create the document to size; do not include any bleeds or crop marks.
- Convert all fonts to outlines.
- Resolution required for all raster images is 100 ppi at 100% size.
- PDF files are typically fine. Save your PDF to size, without bleeds or crop marks.
Offset Printing
(Business Cards, Brochures, etc.)
- Create document to final trim size (don’t include bleeds in the document size) and extend all elements that will bleed 1/8” onto the pasteboard.
- Convert all fonts to outlines.
- Resolution required for all raster images is 300 ppi at 100% size.
- Press Quality PDF files are typically fine however, there are times we will request native files if available. Save your PDF file with 1/8" bleeds and crop marks.
Vehicle Graphics
- Please contact our art department for detailed information.
If you have any questions please call us. We’d love to talk to you and help you create your file correctly.